
{ Our Bungalow Project is Expanding }

Since my business trip in June,  I've neglected to share some big news.

We are going to need some more room in our bungalow... for a NURSERY!!

Here I am with my little butterball after Thanksgiving dinner, 20 weeks pregnant!

We had a fun baby "Gender Reveal" party with our families...

It's a BOY!


{ dallas }

This week I had an opportunity to take my first, "real" business trip.  I was very honored to attend a National Conference in Dallas, TX, with my boss and represent our agency. 

Dallas, Texas (June 2011)

I didn't have time to check out any houses.  But, we did get to take two nights out on the town. 

Me and my boss at the 2011 Gala

RJ's Mexican Cuisine

Heart Attack Grill
(If you know me, this place totally contradicts my typical health-freak stance.
But hey, rules are meant to be broken... right?)

As you can see, I did what I do best a this conference...
a lot of eating, learning, meeting people, exploring and talking!