
{ celebrating abp's first christmas and first birthday }

Happy New Year!  I am excited to share our holiday photos with you today and celebrate that we've lived in our bungalow for an entire year now!  We have accomplished so many projects here.  Although many of them weren't the pretty, cosmetic things I wished for, I'm proud of the improvements we have made thus far and am looking forward to what this home has in store for our future.

Before I get ahead of myself, let me share the photos from our holiday decor! We did minimal things that could work for both Christmas and New Years.  We hosted our First Annual New Year's Day Open House & Hangover Brunch.  We are still a young couple, so we don't have a gazillion steralite boxes filled with decorations plus we found it hard to justify spending so much time setting decoration up right now since we must travel out of town to visit each side of our families!
