Check out our latest project: Man Cave, Dungeon, Creepy Room... I mean, our BASEMENT! :)
So far, we have ripped out all of the old yellow ceiling tiles. Mr. Evans has requested this space to become his get away for guys nights, poker, video games, football, etc. The ceiling was very shallow, and he decided to paint the ceiling black after really liking the industrial decor in a restaurant we visited. I was against it at first, but it's starting to look very nice. We got inspiration for the black ceiling from photos like these:
More inspiration...

*Side note: After making a big fuss about not wanting to paint the ceiling black based on the argument that I had never seen anything like that EVER before... here I am in a photo at my girlfriends house... look at her painted black ceiling! Arggh... I so lost that battle. :)
So anyways, these are the anticipated BEFORE pictures:
Walk out to cellar. 
Where we will put a sectional and TV.
(PS. We are trying to find a home for the faux fireplace in corner!) 
From Cellar Door looking towards the Great Room straight ahead and the Utility Room on the far right.
Here are some INSPIRATIONAL photos for our Future Bungalow Basement:
Color Choice and Black Frames for Sports and Family Memorabilia.
Stair-well idea. 
Built-in-bar idea.
Dream Utility Room
Thanks again for stopping by! Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas! ~NBE