
{ my fall hiatus }

I hope this finds you well and warm!  It's a sunny day here in Indiana, but there is about five inches of snow on the ground outside my window here! I love the snow, but my fellow Hoosiers have been whining and griping.  I love snowmen, snow dusted on the trees and holiday lights, and especially a white Christmas!

I have been on a running hiatus for a while, had some technical difficulties, and fall was very busy.  Not much has happened with the house besides holiday decorating, but here's a quick recap of the last two months for you:

Ran the Bourban Chase with a team sponsored by ZirMed with 11 strangers...

We started in Louisville, Kentucky, and ran to several Bourbon Distilleries.  We finished the race in Lexington before our expected time!

 Ran a 2nd race for charity, the Cysitc Fibrosis Foundation.  Here I am with my friends from left to right: me the Dead Runner, Max the Brazillian Runner, Erin Devilish Runner, Jeff Wells from Fleet Feet as Pooh, and Chris the Buddha!

We celebrated halloween for the first time in our new house.  We had 200+ trick-or-treators, and tons of stories to tell that surround that night...

This has been a solemn time for my family and I, we lost a dear family member, my Uncle Brian.  Here he is singing "...and I just can't stop falling in love with you..." (Elvis) at my wedding.

My entire family spent a day at a Colt's game in Indianpolis together.

And, now I'm getting our home ready for Christmas...


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Natalie! My sincere condolences for the loss of your Uncle, who it seems was not only a beloved man but a great entertainer as well! You've been busy. I wish you and your family a safe and happy Holiday!
